Bio Pellet Production
In many countries, while there is immense power shortage, there are miles and miles of forest / jungles are either not rightly utilized for energy generation purposes (By making Bio-pellets) after systematic planning and on the other side, if we see the population in and around those forest areas, they practically do not have electricity for household or educational purposes neither they have, any relief from scorching heat in summer by use of fans.Systematic planning and right allocation of resources and consultations with experts from our team and local people can bring a fantastic change in their lives by use of Biomass Gasifiers, which all know, but somewhere the initiatives are not sufficient enough, we can help you take those steps and provide detailed study and consultancyAll those forests resources can be used and then again right use of land by re-plantations with Bamboo Plantation can be used, as shown of this page: For any such scenario in any Asian, African countries please call us:
Scenario: Troubling "Prosopis Juliflora"
In East Africa, India, Cambodia and few other countries, these wild plants needs to be taken care, below video shows how on a mass scale it can be taken care off.
Taking care of wild re-plantable jungles
Many large, medium and smaller countries, huge non-utilized forest areas can be made to be very helpful to the mankind, if done ​very systematically it can be done v.v. fast
Bio-pellets increase Gasifier efficiency
Once small pieces of waste wood etc is there, if converted in Bio-pellets increases the Thermal efficiency of Bio-pellets how they can be made in mass scale, see: video