Project Possibility
There are multiple project possibilities that we can work with you, or even if you realize you can internally configure yourselves to create project possibilities to help the thousands of acres of land remaining unutilized within your state or country or your large families in many African, Asian and South American countries, it would be all win-win situation for you all. The ultimate idea of right usage and implementation is going to help everyone involved and directly or indirectly lead to reduce to food shortage over a period, help your country reduce costly imports and avoid waste of foods that do not reach the market in right way.
Here are some of the project possibility that we can work up with you:
a) Agricultural studies and guidance and farm management for multiple aspects but on a large scale for needful scale of economies.
b) Large scale Rice production in case of unutilized arable lands and taking it to export level by various processing technologies.
c) Helping create multiple channels of food industry set-ups for various employment levels.
d) Creating multiple village or semi-district level small, medium or large cold storages to avoid food waste and enabling rental system and integrating with various internet-based levels.
e) Creating large level of Bamboo-cultivation on fastest level and enabling Bamboo-bio-pellet production for power generation to improve lives with brighter energy and to work to solve huge housing problems with multiple benefits of Bamboo configured and treatments to make wall panels etc.
For Corporations and Investors:
i) Creating a long-term food supply chain with long term contracts.
ii) For Horticulture markets creating constant flow of your horticulture supplies till it reaches the end of your markets.
iii) For Cold Storage owner groups, enable them to have solar and renewable energy-based systems in multiple areas with ample control and revenue generation methods.
iv) For faster implementation seeking groups work with them with Drone based plantation systems.
The ultimate goal of project possibilities would be remove road-blocks and to work on the systems and technologies available to up-lift the economies and wellness of population with agricultural development, i.e. with GLOBAL AGRITECH COLLABORATONS, click here to share your views, concerns and idea and project possibilities.